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Xtal User Support

Xtal is currently not supported at all. By anyone. There is an interim caretaker, who may or may not sweep a little dust occasionally, or clean the odd cobweb, but that is it.

So before doing anything else, all users and intending users of the Gnu Xtal System should read, or reread the Disclaimer. Basically, it says that if Xtal doesn't do what it claims to do, then its a shame, but thats life. You can complain about it in the discussion forums, but, by and large, no one is obligated to do anything about it whatsoever.

In fact you are your own best resource. Checkout the code, find the bugs/defects/gross oversights, fix them and submit a patch. That was the principle reason for the shift to sourceforge in the first place. It provides a stable environment from which users can access the code, potential developers can update the code and it provides discussion lists in which both users and developers can communicate between themselves and or provide their own support.

For the most recent software changes see the news page. Or better yet, browse the CVS repository

For extra insights on how to use Xtal see the FAQ. Scripts and programs not part of the Xtal System package but a useful adjunct to various calculations, may be available from here.