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Ratmac source code may be subdivided into three general categories: preprocessor controls, ratmac commands and macro instructions. They may be summarised as follows: These controls enable the user to switch on and off certain RFPP functions. The flagon:, flagoff:, include:, extrude:, systemheader:, select:, ifsel: and endsel: macros control the listing, code inclusion and code conversion operations. Some of the special characters such as #, $#, $), etc. also fall into this category. the section called “Preprocessor Controls” are not output in the Fortran code. These commands represent the bulk of the executable or 'active' code and are often output unaltered to the Fortran file. They include the specific ratmac control instructions FOR, DO, WHILE, REPEAT, IF, ELSE, ELSEIF, NEXT and BREAK. These instructions are translated into Fortran77 by the preprocessor. Ratmac commands are detailed the section called “Ratmac Commands ”. Macros may also be used to generate active Fortran code. The macro 'names' are not output, but their definitions usually are. Macro definition and invocation are detailed in the section called “Macro Instructions”. These general rules apply to all of the above instruction categories.