The interactive graphics program PIG displays
atom sites, peaks from a Fourier plot, as a 3D stick Dreiding model
of connected sites in a molecule of a crystal cell. This model can
be rotated, modified, zoomed, expanded (several model-building
geometries are provided) or contracted. The output model becomes
the retained site coordinates applied to subsequent
The user may also use PIG to spawn, in the displayed
orientation, either an ORTEP plot, or a POV-Ray(TM) plot of the adp
ellipsoids. Various button-controls are available in PIG to
customise the nature and resolution of these plots.
The sequence of plots shown here is intended to
illustrate how the stick image shown on the PIG display is
converted into a ORTEP plot (displayed with the program PREVUE),
and into a POV-Ray plot. All show the cell in the identical