APMASK: Apply Mask to Map
Authors: Debra Holland and Keith Watenpaugh
Contact:Keith Watenpaugh, Physical and Analytical Chemistry,
7255-209-1, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, MI 49007, USA
APMASK is used to apply a masking map, created by MKMASK, to a
related fourier electron density map . The mask describes two discrete regions
of the density map, the molecule and the solvent regions. Density indicated by
the mask to be molecule density is modified using specified scales and offset
values whereas solvent densities are essentially "flattened" .
Calculations Performed
The density map to be modified is read from logical records 21 and 22 of the
MAP bdf. The mask is read from an unformatted binary file stored by
MKMASK. Important: Since the mask produced by MKMASK represents the
entire unit cell, so must the electron density map generated by FOURR. The
dimensions and orientation of the masking grid and the electron density grid
must be identical.
A two-pass procedure is used to create the modified density map. During the
initial pass, density values identified by the masking map as belonging to the
solvent region are flagged. Also, density within the non-solvent region is
modified using the current scale factor. Statisics regarding density values in
both regions are recorded. The average solvent density value can be calculated
using this data.
During the second pass of the procedure, the density is modified by the
user-defined or program-calculated offsets and scales. Each density value in
the solvent region is either set to a specified valued supplied by the
solden line or is set to an averaged solvent density value and
is offset by a f-zero/volume (FZOVOL) value. This offset value can be specified
directly by the fzovol line or calculated by the program using
the SRATIO value supplied by the user on the sratio line. If
calculated, the offset is:
where MAXDEN = max scaled density value for the entire input density map
AVGSOL = average solvent density value.
Each density value in the molecule region is adjusted with the offset value as
well. Negative density can be replaced by a zero value.
The resulting modified density map is output to mmp with the
same dimensions and orientation as the source map. The resultant map can be
used as input to programs such as RRFOUR to obtain a new set of phases or to
the maximum entropy programs, MEDENS and MEFFIT, for further density
File Assignments
Reads cell dimensions and fourier map from map bdf
Reads masking map, produced by MKMASK, from msk file
Writes modified density map to mmp file
APMASK avgden
sratio .1
This set of input lines would apply the input mask map to the electron density
map such that all densities would be offset by a calculated value of FZOVOL,
using the SRATIO value supplied. Density in the solvent region would initially
be set to the average solvent density value and then adjusted by this FZOVOL
value. Non-solvent region densities would not be scaled and any negative values
(after applying the offset) would remain.