SKLOUT: Output Atom Site Data for Schakal
Contact Author: Syd Hall, Crystallography Centre,
University of Western Australia, Nedlands 6009, Australia.
SKLOUT produces a file containing atomic coordinate data suitable for input
to the molecular graphics program Schakal (Keller).
The coordinates of atom sites on the archive files are output to the line file
skl. There are two mode options. Entering mole will
cause a connected set of atom sites for a single molecule to output (this is
the default). Entering cell will cause all atom sites belonging to
connected molecules in a single cell to be output to adm.The program
Schakal may be obtained from Egbert Keller, Universitat Freiburg,
Kristallographie Institut, Hebelstr. 25, D-7800 Freiburg, Germany email:
Reads data from the input archive bdf.
Writes data to the line file skl