RCALC: Calculate R-Factors Between Items on BDF
Authors: Debra Holland and Keith Watenpaugh
Contact: Keith Watenpaugh,The Upjohn Company,
Physical and Analytical Chemistry,Kalamazoo, MI 49007, USA
RCALC calculates the R-factor between two given values on the reflection
record of the bdf, typically intensity values or F(obs) to F(calc).
The R-factor is calculated as: R=Σ[ Item2 - Item1*scale]
Σ[ Item1 ]
for two items for each reflection. The desired item identification numbers
(IDs) can be specified by the user. The results of the R-factor calculations
are analyzed according to sinθ/λ categories as well as categories
of various observed intensity ranges. By default, intensity categories are
determined as
for i=1 ... n, such that
>=1000,000. Also by default, 6 sinθ/λ categories
are used to analyze the R-factor values with upper resolution limits of 2, 4,
5, 10 and infinity. The user can specify resolution limits corresponding to the
desired sinθ/λ categories to be used.
The program performs the R-factor calculations on the reflection record items
in a two-pass process. First, the calculations are done using the user-supplied
scale factor (default=1.0). Second, a revised scale factor (obtained from data
on the first pass as scale*Σ(item2)/Σ(item1) ) is applied to
item1 of the R-factor calculations of the second pass. If group scale factors
are much different from final values in the initial pass, the scale factors for
the individual bins of sinθ/λ and intensity will still be
incorrect for the second pass. This is due to the mixture of scale factors used
for items that go into the bins.
Reads the reflection record from the input archive bdf
RCALC 1 0 1302 4302
resol 10.0 5.0 3.0 2.0 1.5
rcode 2 1308
In this example, R-factor statistics are calculated between
data sets 1 and 4. A scale of 1.0 is used and no printing is requested.
Sinθ/λ categories will be determined based on the resolution
categories of 10.0Å-5.0Å, 5.0Å-3.0Å,
3.0Å-2.0Å, 2.0Å-1.5Å. As determined by the
rcode line, only reflections with an rcode value of 2 will be
used in the R-factor calculations; the rcode value will be taken from item 1308
in the reflection record.