MKMASK: Make Mask for Map
Authors: Debra Holland and Keith Watenpaugh
Contact: Keith Watenpaugh, The Upjohn Company,
Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Kalamazoo, MI 49007,
MKMASK generates a mask of a complete unit cell to represent its two density
regions: the molecule region and the non-molecule (or solvent) region. The mask
is created based on a set of atomic coordinates, cell dimensions and symmetry
information supplied for the unit cell.
Given a set of atomic coordinates, MKMASK builds a mask of the 3-D unit
cell which represents the atom sites as spheres of a given radius. The solvent
region of the unit cell is indicated in the mask by zero values while
non-solvent regions are depicted by non-zero values. This mask is output to an
unformatted binary file and can then be used by APMASK to carry out a solvent
flattening procedure.
Cell dimensions, crystallographic symmetry information and the atomic
coordinates for the unit cell to be masked are supplied by an input bdf. The
layout and orientation of the desired mask can also be provided by the bdf from
records 21, 22 (described in the FOURR write-up). Otherwise, the user can
describe the mask using the layout line.
NOTE: When the mask is used by APMASK for solvent flattening of a
corresponding density map, the layout and orientation of the density map and
the mask must be identical.
Reads input archive bdf to be modified
Writes modified output archive bdf
layout do ac la 50 50 70 1 1 1
param *4 2 2 2
In this example, the layout for the mask is not taken from the input bdf as is
the cell dimensions, symmetry and atomic coordinates. Instead, the
layout line specifies that x will follow down the mask grid, y
will progress across the grid and z will run layer to layer in the grid. The
grid dimension will be x=50, y=50 and z=50 units, all incrementing by 1 unit.
In the process of building the mask, any atom sites falling within 2 Angstroms
outside the unit cell boundaries will be symmetrically mapped into the mask
grid. Values of the mask will refect a count of the number of overlapping atom
sites at each grid location within the molecule region. The map will contain
zeros in the non-molecule (solvent) region.