REVIEW is intended principally to test and aid in the development of methods
using structure invariant relationships. It applies a specified set of phases
to triplet and/or quartet invariants (see the GENSIN documentation for
definitions) and provides information on both the individual and bulk agreement
of the phase relationships. Agreement parameters are based on a range of
measures including the frequency of invariant violations and the root mean
square deviation of invariant estimates from the specified phase set. A plot of
ψ difference (between "found" and "expected") versus the probability
factors A (for triplets), and B and XVsum (for quartets) may be printed in
terms of the population of invariants.
Fragment contributions to the estimate of ψ may be included in
or excluded from this analysis.
The phase set used in this analysis is extracted from the input bdf. These
phases may have their origins in the calculations FC or CRYLSQ or GENTAN. Input
phases are applied to each structure invariant relationship in order to
calculate the values of
. The phase of
each generator reflection is then estimated from these relationships and
compared to the input phase set in two ways. The first is the frequency of
invariant violations. A violation is said to occur if the ψ value of an
individual invariant relationship exceeds the value of ψ "expected" from
probability considerations by more than π/2. This frequency is measured for
each generator reflection and the phase set as a whole. It provides general
measure of the "correspondence" between the input phases and estimated
A second method of measuring the correspondence between the input phases and
the phases estimated from invariant relationships is based on the root mean
square deviation between the ψ values and their expected values. This value
is weighted according to the probability factors A or B. The general form of
the weighted rmsd value is,
rmsd ![]()
rmsd ![]()
Relationships with Restricted ψ Values
Just as symmetry can restrict the phase values of a reflection to one of two
values (e.g., 0 and π for centrosymmetric space groups), it can also
restrict the value of ψ for a structure invariant relationship. This is of
particular significance when the restriction requires ψ to be non-zero.
Such occurrences in noncentrosymmetric space groups can be identified in this
analysis. The user may exclude or include non-zero restricted ψ values from
the agreement parameters (see field 7 of the REVIEW control
Expected ψ for Negative Quartets
Negative quartets are those quartets with the XVSUM less than XSLO (see GENSIN
description for details). The expected value of ψ4
for negative
quartets will vary according to whether fragment information (and therefore
QPSI values) are applied. If fragment QPSI values are not applied, the expected
value of ψ4
is π; otherwise, it is likely (depending on the
precision of the fragment information) to be zero.
Four levels of printout are available with REVIEW. These are the
pset, gsum, plot, and
sinv options in fields 1 to 4 of the list
control line.
This option prints the input phase set, generator number, h, k, l, E,
σ(E), and phase angle. These are output three reflections to a line.
This option prints for each generator the following summary.
NGEN generator number
H K L reflection indices
|E| E - magnitude
SIGE error in E-magnitude
PHI -RST restricted phase (NR=no restriction)
PHI -INP input phase
PHI - T3 phase estimated from triplet invariants
ALPHA - T3 see Definition of Terms section for definition
ALPHA - Q4 see Definition of Terms section for quartets definition
ALPHA/EAL -T3 ratio of α to expected α for triplets
ALPHA/EAL -Q4 ratio of α to expected α for quartets
RMSDPSI-TS see equation (1)
RMSDPSI-Q4 see equation (2)
S.I. EXAMINED TS number of triplets applied
S.I. VIOLATED TS number of triplets in violation
S.I. EXAMINED PQ number of positive quartets applied
S.I. VIOLATED PQ number of positive quartets in violation
S.I. EXAMINED NQ number of negative quartets applied
S.I. VIOLATED NQ number of negative quartets in violation
This option uses one line per generator
This option prints a population distribution of invariants for ψ
difference versus the probability factors A and B. For quartets, ψ
difference versus the cross vector sum XVSUM.
This option prints for each structure invariant the following data,
PFAC probability factor (A or B)
SHF phase shift due to translational symmetry
N2 signed generator number of the 2nd invariant vector
N3 signed generator number of the 3rd invariant vector
N4 signed generator number of the 4th invariant vector
XVS cross-vector sum for the quartet relationship (XVSUM)
PSI -ACT actual invariant ψ calculated from input phases
PSI -RST restricted invariant ψ
PSI -FRG fragment estimate of invariant ψ
PSI -DIF ψ difference(=PSI ACT - PSI FRG)
PSI -RMS rms ψ accumulated from differences
ALPHA α from tangent components - running average
ALPHA/EAL ratio of α to expected α
PHI -ACT actual input phase
PHI -EST estimated phase from this invariant
PHI -DIF difference between PHI ACT - PHI EST
PHI -TAN phase from tangent formula - running average
The output is one line per invariant. Because of this caution should be
exercised in order to save paper. The default listing will be for generator
numbers 1-10 (see Example section to control this listing).
It is possible to list only the invariants which are violated (i.e.,
|ψ-<ψ>| > π/2) regardless of the list line
arguments. This is done by entering reset psta 5
Phase Set Summary
This summary is always output at the end of each run.
PSET NUM phase set number
NPHI DET number of phases determined from invariants
SI EXAMINED T3 total number of triplets
SI EXAMINED PQ total number of positive quartets
SI EXAMINED NQ total number of negative quartets
SI VIOLATED T3 number of triplets in violation
SI VIOLATED PQ number of positive quartets in violation
SI VIOLATED NQ number of negative quartets in violation
ABS FOM T3 absolute figure of merit for triplet
ABS FOM Q4 absolute figure of merit for quartets
ALPHA T3 average α (per generator) for triplets
ALPHA Q4 average α (per generator) for quartets
RMSD PSI T3 average rmsd ψ3
RMSD PSI Q4 average rmsd ψ3
DPHI T3 average Δφ for triplets
DPHI Q4 average Δφ for quartets
Definition of Terms
ALPHAis the "observed" α, and defined as
where S and C are the numerator and denominator of the weighted tangent formula
(see GENTAN description for details).
EAL is the "expected" α for the invariant phase, and is
given by the modified Bessel function.
PHI -TAN is the phase estimated from the application of the
weighted tangent formula. This is a progressive average. The angle output
modulo is 360o
ABS FOM is the absolute figure-of-merit as defined in
DPHI is the mean difference between the input phase and the
phase estimated from the structure invariant relationship. The mean is taken
over the invariants in the phase set.