ABSCAL: Scale Diffractometer Intensity Data

absorp Miller indices of the reflection used for absorption corrections

tau φ spin intensities

decay coefficients of decay equation

stand Miller indices of decay monitor reflection

apply range of reflections to be scaled in run

ABSCAL Option Code

absorption correction abso apply tau absorption

noab do not apply absorption

decay correction deca n apply scaling 2

node do not apply decay scaling

output corrected bdf appl correct & output bdf

noap do not output bdf

removal of monitor hkl purg remove monitor hkl

nopu do not remove monitor hkl

measurement time1 time t time (secs) per exposure 60

1 Exposure times are the product of t and the exposure sequence number.

absorp 1-3 h, k, l indices of absorption correction reflection

4 reflection number of first absorption correction reflection

5 reflection number of last absorption correction reflection

If this line is omitted, the first reflection of Type 2 will be used. If fields 4 and 5 are blank, then reflection indices will be used to identify the absorption correction reflection. If reflection indices are blank, then the reflection number range will be used. This line will override the type stored on the bdf.

tau 1 φ value of χ-90 reflection

2 observed integrated intensity

If this option is used, no fewer than 17 tau lines at 20 degree intervals of φ must be supplied.

decay 1-6 coefficients 1 to 6 in decay equation

Type 1 decay requires 3 values in the first 3 fields

Type 2 decay requires 6 values in the first 6 fields

Type 3 decay requires 5 values in the first 5 fields

stand 1-3 h, k, l indices of a decay monitor reflection

If stand lines are supplied, only those reflections named will be used in determining decay coefficients. If the stand line is omitted, all reflections of Type 1 in the bdf will be used.

apply 1 sequence number of the first reflection to be treated 0

2 sequence number of last reflection to be treated 1000000

3 minimum value of 2θ to be treated 0

4 maximum value of 2θ to be treated 180

All reflections with reflection code 0 will be copied to the output bdf unscaled if they are in either excluded range.