PROLSQ: Constrained Refinement of Atomic Parameters
archiv specify items to be placed in reflection records
uov overall isotropic thermal parameter
dampsh shift damping factors to control refinement
print print control line
reflim limits on reflections to be included in refinement
rtest set up survey of R values to assess refinement
scale factors
scanis anisotropic scale factor
solmod solvent model parameters
stats number and limits of d shells for R value survey
wgtb set thermal restraint weighting
wgtchi set chiral centre restraint weighting
wgtcon set contact distance restraint weighting
wgtdis set distance restraint weighting
wgtpla set plane restraint weighting
wgtref set structure factor restraint weighting
wgtshf set excessive shift restraint weighting
wgtsym set noncrystallographic symmetry restraint weighting
wgttor set torsion angle restraint weighting
noref control atoms included in refinement
PROLSQ Option Code
congugent gradient cycles ncy n 50
Lagrange multiplier scale lag n 10
refinement to fit diffraction data1
nxr skip
refinement to fit idealized geometry 1
nge skip
set individ, tf's to overall value tfs set tf's to overall
refine populations if input <1.0 pop refine
anomolous dispersion noa do not apply
ano apply dispersion
thermal parameters ova overall isotropic
iso individual isotropic
data set number dsn n 1
constrain origin orx along x no
ory along y no
orz along z no
punch atoms in PDB format pch yes no
1 The default is to use both types of information in the
refinement. If both types are set to skip the result will be a simple copying
of the bdf from one file to another, i.e. a null refinement.
archiv 1- ID numbers of data items to be added to or deleted
from the bdf
Positive ID numbers signal addition, negative deletion.
uov 1 B overall or U overall depending on magnitude U from
input bdf
If value is 0 < U < 0.2 the quantity is stored as U. If the quantity
is 0.2 < B < 40.0 it is multiplied by 78.9568 and stored as U. This line
is ignored unless in overall t.f. mode.
dampsh 1-3 damping factor for x, y , z parameter shifts
4 damping factor for B parameter shifts 0.5
5 damping factor for population parameter shifts 0.5
6-11 damping factor for B11 to B23 parameter shifts 0.5
These damping factors are to be applied to parameter shifts determined by
the least-squares process. These factors will be used to establish the new
parameters written to the output bdf and, optionally on unitpch:. Factors
between 0 & 4 allowed.
N.B. Unequal damping factors will distort the geometry.
print Option Code
list first m reflections lfir m
list reflection data flis m every mth refln
list first n input atoms ilis n
list updated atoms alis m
0/1/2 no/all/>shift limit
atom shifts on x, y, z parc d only shifts > d
temperature factor shifts bcut d
population param. shifts popc d
torsion angle printing ntor statistics only
stor all standards and statistics
ctor d single angle contacts 0.1
mtor d multiple 0.1
chiral centres printing nchi statistics only
wchi worst case chiral centres
achi all chiral centres
hydrogen bond printing nhbo statistics
hbon all possible H bonds
restrained distances1
disc d dists of
type code "J" 5
restrained planes plan d all planes with RMS 2
deviation > d*sigp
1 Print only if |DIDEAL-DMODEL| >= d*SIGD(J) If
d=0.0, print all.
reflim Option Code
discard reflections fmin x
< x
smin x sinθ/λ < x
smax x sinθ/λ > x
dmax x d maximum 1000
dmin x d minimum 0.35
sigm x
< σ
Note: Use either d or sinθ/λ specs but not both.
rtest 1 sampling frequency for included
2 sampling frequency for excluded reflections2
3 sampling offset of included reflection subset 0
4 sampling offset of excluded reflection subset 0
5 number of coordinate, x, y, z, shift steps to be tested
6 number of B steps to be tested 1
7-n factors to multiply shifts for testing3
Set up R testing for reflection subsets. The subsets are defined by the
reflection count plus a constant modulo the frequency being zero. After the
least-squares refinement structure factors are recalculated for the subsets in
order to evaluate the efficacy of the shift damping and progress of the
1Time consuming if this is set too low and fields 5 & 6
too large.
2 Excluded from the refinement but used in subsequent
structure factor R value estimate. This gives a stringent test of convergence,
but caution is required or the number of reflections eliminated may be too
3 These are the same kind of factors as those in the
dampsh line, e.g. x(test) = x(start) +factor*x(shift) The sum
of fields 5 & 6 determines the value of n.
scale 1
scale factor input
2 scale group number 1
scanis 1
component of overall anisotropic
scaling of
solmod 1 linear scale K for partial
2 exponential scale U for partial
3 linear scale UK for analytic solvent attenuation function
4 exp. scale UB for analytic solvent attenuation function
5 electron density plateau level for unoccupied model space
stats 1-7 resolution limits for reciprocal space shells used
for R-factors
Maximum of seven shells; default one. Values supplied must be descending
order of d-spacings in Ĺ.
wgtb 1 weight for temperature factor restraints
2 σ of type 1 main-chain bond distances 1
3 σ of type 2 main-chain angle distance 1.5
4 σ of type 3 side-chain bond distance 1
5 σ of type 4 side-chain angle distance 1
6 σ of type 5 X-H bond 0.5
7 σ of type 6 X-H angle 1
8 σ of type 7 hydrogen-bond, metal, etc 0
wgtchi 1 weight for chiral centre restraints WC
2 σ(χ) 0.15
wgtcon 1 weight for van der Waals contacts WV
2 σ(vdW) 0.5
3 type 1 distance factor in Ĺ1
4 type 2 distance factor in Ĺ1
5 type 3 distance factor in Ĺ1
6 type 4 distance factor in Ĺ1
1 These fields may be used to supply parameters to modify the
minimum "theoretical" van der Waals contact distance of four possible types
which are defined and calculated in PROTIN. There are four parameters
corresponding to:
1) Atoms in which the relative position is determined by only one torsion
2) Two atoms in which >two torsion angles are involved, multiple
torsion contact.
3) A possible (X....Y) hydrogen bond pair involving contacts between
nitrogen-oxygen pairs, but not N main - N main or O main - O main.
4) A possible (X-H....Y) hydrogen bond.
Note: The distance factors must be negative amounts. They are used to
adjust the ideal contact distances supplied from PROTIN in order to establish
when a contact should be restrained.
wgtdis 1 weight for distance restraints WD
2 σ of type1
1 bonded distances (e.g. Cα -
C) 0.03
3 σ of type1
2 angle distances (e.g. N - C)
4 σ of type1
3 planar 1-4 distances (e.g. O i-1 -
Cα1) 0.05
5 σ of type1
4 bond distances involving H (e.g.
Cα- H) 0.1
6 σ of type1
5 angle distance involving H (e.g.
Hα- C) 0.08
7 σ of type1
6 hydrogen bond, metal
8 σ of type1
7 coordination, etc
wgtpla 1 weight for plane restraints, WP
2 σ of a plane 0.02
The weight applied to the derivative is:
wgtref 1 weighting scheme as 1 through 5
2 A term for weights 4
3 B term for weights 0
wgtshf 1 shifts magnitude restraint positional PDEL
2 shifts magnitude restraint thermal BDEL 3
3 shifts magnitude restraint population QDEL 0.1
4 σ for tight positional restraints 0.05
5 σ for medium positional restraints 0.5
6 σ for loose positional restraints 2.0
7 σ for tight thermal restraints 0.5
8 σ for medium thermal restraints 1
9 σ for loose thermal restraints 0
wgtsym 1 weight scale non-crystallographic symmetry restraints
WS 1
wgttor 1 weight scale torsion angle restraints
2 σ(T) secondary structure angle φ or ψ
3 σ(T) planar angle such as ω 3
4 σ(T) staggered angle such as χ1 15
5 σ(T) orthonormal angle such as χ2 of aromatics
noref 1- atom labels for atoms which are not refined
More than one noref line may be entered.