MIR: Multiple Isomorphous Refinement
datset isomorphs to be included
limset heavy atoms to be included
datscl scale isomorph data to parent data
ref parameters to be refined
noref turn off parameter refinement
bins statistics grouping
stat statistics to be calculated and printed
nostat turn off statistics to be calculated and printed
MVFC phase determination
introduce known phases (currently for
MVFC method only)
modified Blow-Crick phase
eiso isomorphous closure errors
eano anomalous closure errors
plthkl probability profile plotting
adjustment of most probable phase by
Newton's method
cycle number of refinement cycles
1 If neither appears no phase determination will be
MIR 1 phase refinement control
block block diagonal
full full matrix Bricogne method (not
none no phase reference
2 list frequency on last cycle no listing
3 reflection listing control basic items
native basic + expanded list for parent, only
all basic + expanded list for all data sets
4 output fazprb closure errors on last cycle no
closure list closure errors
datset 1 data set name (12 characters)
2 data used for phasing
both use both isomorphs and anomalous
isom use isomorphs only
anom use anomalous only
none do not phase
3 data used for refinement (same controls as field 2)
atoms 1 data set name
2- atom labels of atoms to be used
limset 1 dataset name of isomorph
2 min sinθ/λ for hkl of this isomorph 0
3 max sinθ/λ for hkl of this isomorph bdf or
datscl 1 dataset name of isomorph
2 value to scale isomorph to parent bdf or 1
3 value of ΔB to scale isomorph to parent bdf or 0
4 observational errors (σ's) for each reflection
If an isomorph does not have these available, the program calculates them
as follows:
= (1 +
where C is analogous to the instrumental instability factor used when
calculating observational errors from diffractometer data.
ref 1 atom label, dataset name or 'all' as
global signal
noref 2- referenced parameter as mnemonic
x y z atomic
u u11 u22 u33 u12
u13 u23 thermal parameters
pp ppa pop. param
k c overall scale and
bins 1 number of
statistics bins (max.
2 number of
statistics bins (max. 12)1
3 statistics listing control for each cycle except last2
all list all categories of
centric list centric statistics only
acentric list acentric statistics only
4 statistics listing control for last cycle3
controls as in field 3)
1 The total number of bins is the product of the number of
ranges and the
bins. The total may be as few as 1
bin or as many as 50. To produce reasonable statistics a minimum of 100
reflections should appear in each bin and preferably several times that
2 Statistics output can be quite copious. In addition to the
stat and nostat lines below, fields 3 and 4
offer an opportunity to limit the statistic listing to centric,
acentric or all.
3 As the isomorphous closure errors in
fazprb mode are updated from the centric values (if there were
any centric measurements), these are also printed under the all
stat codes defining statistical analyses (see description
in Ref. Manual)
nostat fomhist figure-of-merit histogram
fom figure-of-merit by
rcullis Cullis R-factor
rkraut Kraut R-factor
rfazpwr R phasing power; weighted closure error over
weighted heavy atom model
wteiso RMS weighted isomorphous closure error (on F)
wteano RMS weighted anomalous closure error (on F)
number number of reflections
fazdif phase differences between parent & heavy atom
all all statistics
lstcyc listed codes only apply to last cycle
If no fields follow this mnemonic, all statistics which have not
already been requested are printed on the last cycle. Only those codes listed
on the lstcyc line are printed on the last cycle.
for FAZPRB mode only:
parvar parent variance
eiso RMS isomorphous closure error
eisoadj RMS isomorph. closure errors adjusted for
isodif RMS isomorphous differences
hamodel RMS heavy atom model
jntvar RMS joint variance of parent and isomorph
ermsano RMS anomalous closure errors
eanoadj RMS anom. closure errors adjusted for variances
anodif RMS anomalous differences
signs agreement of obs. and calc. anomalous diffrences
The statistical output can be copious. To save trees but not the movement
of electrons, the stat and nostat lines set the
print priority of the desired statistics to 3 and all other statistics to 5
(i.e. only output if reset pstat 5 is entered before MIR). A
very small group of statistics always has priority 2 for those who wish to
monitor the program while it is being run in the "interactive" mode. These
statistics include the average phase change from the previous cycle, a summary
providing the overall figure of merit, and for each isomorph the overall R
Cullis, R Kraut and R phasing power. In fazprb mode,
ermsiso and ermsano are also calculated.
The default is to print to all statistics on the last cycle and the
following statistics on all cycles: fom,
rcullis, rkraut, rfazpwr and in
fazprb mode ermsiso, eisoadj,
ermsano and eanoadj. Statistics relating to
anomalous information are printed only if there were observations.
mvfc 1 phase increment (max. 180o
) 10
2 weak reflection cutoff ratio F/γ(δ) 2.5
3 phase refinement criterion selection 1
4 shift factor for phases (max. 10) 1
5 phase threshold to accept bimodal SIR soln. (max. 179o
6 goodness-of-fit to initialize FOM bdf or
7 signal to not use bdf phases, enter newphases
use bdf
fazin Option Code
initial phase set init n 1
restraining phase set comb n
fazprb 1 phase incr. for integrating refln. probability profile
(min. 1o
; max. 180o
; recommended max.
2 signal to control refinement and statistics
most use the most probable phases
best use the 'best' phases
eiso and eano (for fazprb mode
1 dataset ID
2 number of
bins reserved for closure errors NO default
0 implies all bins used
3- closure errors
The number of closure errors must either be 1 or equal to the current
number of
ranges (see bins line). If only 1
closure error is encountered, all
ranges within the indicated
bins (field 2) are replaced with that value. Otherwise there is
corresponding replacement. The usual default value for the closure errors are
those on the bdf. If the bdf has not been used by MIR, default for isomorphous
closure errors is 1000 and anomalous closure errors is 592. If the number of
ranges or
bins is changed (see bins
line) and there are closure errors on the binary data file, new closure errors
are expected to be supplied from the input stream.
plthkl (for fazprb mode only)
1-3 hkl indices of the first of a group of reflections to be plotted
4 number of reflections in group to be plotted (max. 100)
This line provides a facility for line printer plots of the phase
probability profile for a group of reflections. This operates only on the last
cycle of the program and prints at priority 4, and is intended primarily as a
teaching tool to study the effects of various parameters on the phase
distribution of selected reflections. Each plot takes a page of output so this
feature should be used sparingly. The program will not perform this operation
when the listing of every nth reflection has been requested on the
MIR line.
newton 1 centroid minimum level for centro reflections
2 centroid minimum level for noncentro reflections 0.8
cycle 1 number of refinement cycles (max. 10) 1