PROTIN: Set Constraints for Refinement of Parameters
identify disulphide bridges
identify atoms with poulation
parameters to be refined
identify the C and N terminus groups
for each chain
identify alternate chains
identify and idealize terminal and
main residues
identify and idealize linkage
identify and idealize standard chain
residues and other groups
identify and idealize the last
standard residue at ends of chains
characterize terminal chain residue
interatomic distances
characterize linking chain residue
interatomic distances
characterize normal chain residue
interatomic distances
identify planar groups in standard
identify multi-planar prosthetic
planar groups
identify terminal planar groups
set up the four linking planar
specify restraining pairs for linking
planar groups
characterize ideal chiral centres
set van der Waals diameters by atomic
number of non-bonded contacts for
specified terminal residue
number of non-bonded contacts for
specified linking residue
number of non-bonded contacts for
specified residue
van der Waals contact codes for
vdwtrm, vdwlnk, or vdwres
identify atoms defining ideal torsion
angles in terminal residues
identify neighbours in torsion
set neighbour distance
identify atoms defining ideal torsion
angles in chain residues
set weighting codes for torsion
characterize secondary structure
features by ψ and φ values
set ellipsoid specifications for
terminal groups
set ellipsoid specifications for main
chain groups
set up blocks of inter chain
special distances
set up blocks of intra chain special
set up special inter-group
specify special planar groups
specify distance identifiers for
contact exclusion
specify elements of secondary
structure for backbone
identify chains related by
non-crystallographic symmetry
rotation and translation of a
non-crystallographic symmetry
set non-crystallographic symmetry
restraint weighting specs
1 Group 1 input lines set up standard groups dictionary.
2 Note that, if at this point all the lines from
restrm through ellres are left out the values
will be taken from the prores file. This is the default file of
idealized groups. A prores file is supplied with the Xtal system which
contains all the usual groups encountered in protein structures.
3 Group 2 input lines set up ideal coordinates of residues.
4 Group 3 input lines set up distance restraints.
5 Group 4 input lines set up plane restraints.
6 Group 5 input lines set up chiral centre restraints.
7 Group 6 input lines set up contact restraints.
8 Group 7 input lines set up torsion angle restraints.
9 Group 8 input lines set up anisotropic thermal restraints.
10 Note that the following lines are optional. All references to
chain identities and user residue numbers are in terms of the names and numbers
supplied through the PROATM program. These names and numbers are translated to
pointers for use in the calculations. Some error messages may display these
pointers. In this case the chain pointers will be 1, 2, ... In order of chain
identification encountered in the atom or proat
lines loaded in PROATM. The residue pointers will be the sequence number for
the residue in order of loading by PROATM.
11 Group 9 input lines set up special distances restraints.
12 Group 10 input lines set up special plane restraints.
13 Group 11 input lines set up contact exclusion restraints.
14 Group 12 input lines set up backbone torsion angle
15 Group 13 input lines set up non-crystallographic symmetry
PROTIN Option Code
print atom coordinates atl no
neutron data neu no
number of unit cells used in search cel n 3
number of main chains in a plane nap n 5
limit for van der Waals distances vdw d
expect hydrogen atoms hat no
expect individual aniso t.f. ani no
dataset number dset n 1
disulb 1 chain identifier of CYS residue on one side
of the S-S bridge
2 residue sequence number on that side
3 chain identifier of CYS residue on other side of the S-S
4 residue sequence number on the other side
firstp 1 name of the first atom, in the notation of PROATM on
loading, to have the population parameter refined. This atom and all atoms to
the end of the atoms loaded will have their population parameters refined in
the subsequent PROLSQ run
spcpep 1 chain identifier symbol e.g. A2
2 number of cis peptide bonds in chain
3 residue sequence number of cis peptide
altchn 1 primary chain identifier for mothers of alternate
2 secondary chain identifier for mothers of alternate chains
p s
if there is 1 chain and 1 alternate chain: 1 0
if there is 1 chain and 2 alternate chains: 1 1
if there are 2 chains and each has 1 alternate chain: 1 2
if there are 2 chains and only chain 1 has 1 alternate chain: 1 0
if there are 2 chains and only chain 2 has 1 alternate chain: 2 0
Alternate conformations of discretely disordered residues are assigned
during atom loading a different chain number from the mother chain for a given
residue. Only the atoms which are modelled in different positions should be
included among the input atoms.
restrm 1 group name for residue e.g. NAMINO ;
2 name of atom in the group e.g. CA for α carbon
3 x Cartesian coordinate in Ĺ relative to Cα as origin in each
4 y Cartesian coordinate
5 z cartesian coordinate
6 order number of atom within the group, e.g. 1 for N, 2 for Cα, etc.
For all standard groups, save glycine, this number starts at 5 because the
coordinates of restrm main are automatically
taken for the first four atoms of every group. This number may also be negative
in reslnk lines to designate atoms belonging to a previous
7 single letter code which is to be used as a synonym for the group name e.g.
G for GLY. Used only for standard groups
reslnk fields as for restrm
residu fields as for restrm
reside fields as for restrm
distrm 1 group name as defined in res*** input
lines e.g. NAMINO
2 order number of origin atom for corresponding distance
3 order number of terminus atom for corresponding distance
4 code to define weight that is to be used to restrain distance
1 bonded pair 2 angle pair
3 planar 1-4 distance 4 XH bond
5 Y-X-H angle distance 6 H-X-H angle
5 code to define weight that is to be used to restrain B values
0 any distance for which B restraint is not required
1 bond distance between two main chain atoms
2 angle distance between two main chain atoms
3 bond distance involving at least one side chain atom
4 angle distance involving at least one side chain atom
5 bond distance involving a hydrogen
6 angle distance involving a hydrogen
Fields 6-9, 10-13, etc. are as for fields 2-5. Note that lines may be
continued by placing a "c" as the last field on a line. The next line
must then have the same ID for both line type and group name. Fields continue
in groups of four to complete the required restraints.
dislnk fields as for distrm
disres fields as for distrm
plares 1 group name
2- the order number of the atoms of the group which are to be restrained to
planarity. If a group has no planes fields 2- are left blank
plapro fields as for plares
platrm fields as for plares
plalnk fields as for plares
plalnl 1- codes specifing all the possible "restraining pairs"
among the atoms specified in the reslnk input lines
Note that only the number of atoms specified to be in planes and given in
the PROTIN line under directive nap will be
considered to restrain the plane.
chiral 1 group name
2 descriptor code for how the chirality of the group is defined
1 for groups intrinsically chiral
0 for chirality related to nomenclature, e.g. LEU
vdwdis 1 name of atom species e.g. HYDROGEN (limit 12
2 atomic number of species or atomic scattering factor pointer (carbonyl is
arbitrarily set to 3)
3 van der Waals diameter of the species or distance between centres of two
non-bonded atoms of the species
vdwtrm 1 group name
2 number of non-bonded contacts for group
vdwres fields as for vdwtrm
vdwlnk 1 group name
2 number of non-bonded contacts for group
3 number of non-bonded contacts specified for prolyl link
vdwcon 1 group name
2 order number of origin atom corresponding to a possible non-bonded
3 order number of terminus atom for corresponding possible non-bonded
4 non-bonded distance restraint class:
1 relative position of the given atoms is determined by
only one torsion angle
2 relative position of the given atoms is determined by two
or more torsion angles
These lines follow their corresponding vdwres,
vdwtrm, or vdwlnk lines. Fields 5-7, 8-10, etc.
are as fields 3-4, continuing onto additional lines as required to satisfy the
counts given in the preceding vdwres, vdwtrm,
or vdwlnk lines.
tortrm 1 group
2 atom order number for C(i-1)
3 atom order number for N(i)
4 atom order number for Cα(i)
5 atom order number for C(i)
6 atom order number for N(i+1)
7 atom order number for Cα(i+1)
Fields after 7 are ignored in tortrm lines
8 atom order number for Cβ(i)
9 atom order number for Cγ(i)
10 atom order number for Cδ(i)
11 atom order number for C∊(i)
12 atom order number for Cζ(i)
13 atom order number for N(i)
C(i-1)-N(i)-Cα(i)-C(i) specifies φ
N(i)-Cα(i)-C(i)-N(i+1) specifies ψ
Cα(i)-C(i)-N(i+1)-Cα(i+1) specifies ω
N(i)-Cα(i)-Cβ(i)-Cγ(i) specifies χ(1)
Cα(i)-Cβ(i)-Cγ(i)-Cδ(i) specifies χ(2)
torres fields as for tortrm
neighb 1 group
2- neighbour identification codes
-1 for atoms from residue i-1
0 for atoms from residue i
1 for atoms from residue i+1
5 for atoms from terminal groups e.g. OT of carboxyl
chidis 1 group
2 distance identification codes (as specified in field 4 of the
distrm line)
chiwgt 1 group
2- weighting code for side chain chi angles
0 for no specifications
2 for planar e.g. χ(5) of ARG
3 for staggered e.g. aliphatics
4 for orthonormal e.g. χ(2) of aromatics
secstr 1 name for element of structure up to 20 characters
2 code for secondary structure element
1 α helix
2 3(10) helix
3 π helix
4 collagen type helix
5 parallel β sheet
6 anti-parallel β sheet
7 classic β bulge position 1
8 classic β bulge position 2
9 β bend [or turn] type I position 2
10 β bend [or turn] type I position 3
11 β bend [or turn] type II position 2
12 β bend [or turn] type II position 3
13 γ turn position 1
14 γ turn position 2
15 γ turn position 3
3 characteristic φ value
4 characteristic ψ value
5 literature reference of up to 40 characters
elltrm 1 group name
2 order number for atom for which ellipsoid is being specified
3 order number for atom p(0)
4 order number for atom p(1)
5 order number for atom s(0)
6 order number for atom s(1)
Note that negative numbers are used to point to atoms in preceding
Fields 7-11, 12-16, etc. for additional ellipsoid atoms; new lines to
ellres fields as for elltrm
intrad 1 origin chain identifier
interd 1 origin chain identifier
2 target chain identifier
Note: There must be spcdis lines following each
intrad or interd line supplied. The number
required will depend upon the number of special inter-group distances for this
chain block to be restrained. e.g. Sγ - Sγ from two different CYS
groups that form a bridge; distance from solvent to protein; etc. One line per
pair of atoms for which distance is to be restrained.
spcdis 1 residue sequence number of group to which origin atom
2 order number of origin atom within group
3 residue sequence number of group to which target atom belongs
4 order number of target atom
5 restrain atoms to this distance (in Ĺ)
6 code to determine weight that should be used to restrain distances. Same as
those shown for disres lines
7 code to determine weight that should be used to restrain temperature
factors. Same as those shown for disres lines
spcpla 1 chain identifier of first atom in special plane
2 residue sequence number of first atom in special plane
3 order number of first atom in special plane
4-6 the same quantities as in 1-3 for the second,
7-9 third, ... atoms which define the special plane
excon 1 chain identifier of first atom for which contacts are
to be excluded
2 residue sequence number of first atom
3 order number of first atom
4-6 same as in 1-3 for the second atom which defines the contact exclusion
secsel 1 chain identity; all chains of this type will be set
2 residue sequence number of the initial group for this region of structure
3 residue sequence number of the final group for this region of structure
4 code for structure type
-1 restrain φ & ψ values to those of initial
0 no restraints on φ & ψ
n restrain φ & ψ values specified in
secstr line for this n
spcsym 1-n chain identities in this special
non-crystallographic symmetry group
Each spcsym line must be followed by one or more
symop lines.
symop 1-12 ![]()
symwgt 1 initial residue sequence number to which the
symop applies
2 final residue sequence number to which the symop applies
3 weighting code
implication for
Code main chain side chain
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 2 2
5 2 3
6 3 3
where 1=tight; 2=medium; 3=loose
4-6 as in 1-3 for all group spans specified. etc