MAKBRK: Make Bricked File for FRODO
limits specify limits of input map to be bricked
brick specifies dimensions of fmt2 formatted bricks
scale scale for density values before before storing in bricked
MAKBRK 1 file format code
fmt1 UCSD format for FRODO file
fmt2 Cambridge format for FRODO
2 byte swap option2
nosw bytes of the density map will not be
swap bytes of words in output bricked map swapped
1 This field will serve as a background map (Map 1-Map 4).
2 This option allows the brick map to be transferred to
machines with a reversed addressing scheme. (i.e. high order bits are stored as
low order bits on the destination machine) in order to run FRODO.
limits 1 min x map grid coordinate to be bricked
2 max x map grid coordinate to be bricked
3-4 same as 1-2 for y coordinate
5-6 same as 1-2 for z coordinate
Default is for total input map to be bricked.
brick 1-3 brick size along x, y, z in grid units 8, 8, 8
Only used for fmt2 format.
scale 1 scale factor applied to integerized density values
By default all brick map values are between 0 and 10.