NICNAK: Load Nicolet Data onto Binary File
monrfn reflection numbers for monitor standard measurement
taurfn reflection numbers for absorption correction
bkgrfn reflection numbers for background correction
range limits of reflection numbers and angles
NICNAK Option Code
data scan method t2t θ-2θ scan
wyc Wyckoff scan
omg ω scan
number of steps1
steps n
data set number datset m
append to bdf append append to existing l. r.refl
noappend create new logical record refl
force RFT typing2
rftn set all hkl on file nic
list reflections list n
τ reflection range taurfn n
mdefine τ hkl no. range
1 If the number of steps is specified as zero no step scan
information will be written to the output archive bdf.
2 See the description of the Nicolet file and the definition
of RFN in the Reference Manual. All reflections on the nic file
will be given the value rft=n, where n is 0, 1, 2, or 3 for
regular, standard, phi-spin standard, background measurement.
monrfn 1 min reflection number (RFN) to be RFT=1 0
2 max reflection number (RFN) to be RFT=1 32767
taurfn 1 min reflection number (RFN) to be RFT=2 32000
2 max reflection number (RFN) to be RFT=2 32100
bkgrfn 1 min reflection number (RFN) to be RFT=3 -1
2 max reflection number (RFN) to be RFT=3 -1
range 1 min reflection number (RFN) to be accepted 0
2 max reflection number (RFN) to be accepted 32767
3 min 2θ -360
4 max 2θ +360
5 min ω -360
6 max ω +360
7 min φ -360
8 max φ +360
9 min χ -360
10 max χ +360