CEDAR: Crystallographic, Energy & Dynamics Refinement
mode general calculation control line
weight term weighting line
initwt initial weighting of terms
finlwt final weighting of terms
mmode conjugate gradient control line
xmode crystallographic refinement controls
xlimit crystallographic limits line
scale crystallographic scale factor lines
maxhkl limits on h,k,l and sinθ/λ
atmzon limits on atoms to shift
reszon limits on residues to shift
dielec dielectric constant
refine initiate the refinement
fc calculate structure factors without refinement
nobdf kill output of new bdf
mode Option Code
refinement modes mod model refinement weights 1-5 set
to 1.0
ene energy refinement weights 1-6 set to 1.0
xta crystallographic refinement turned on
ext use externally refined shifts and σ's
weighting scheme uni unit weighting on target
sig weight target atoms by inverse σ
list coordinates nol do not list final atom
lis list final atom coordinates
weight or1 weight for shift towards target
initwt2 weight for shift towards target bond lengths
3 weight for shift towards target bond angles
4 weight for shift towards target fixed dihedrals
5 weight for shift towards target flexible dihedrals
6 weight for shifts based on non-bonded interactions
7 weight for chiral angles
8 weight for hydrogen atom target coordinate
9 minimum energy for listing bad energy terms no list
finlwt1 final weight for shift towards target
2 final weight for shift towards target bond lengths
3 final weight for shift towards target bond angles
4 final weight for shift towards target fixed dihedrals
5 final weight for shift towards target flexible dihedrals
6 final weight for shifts based on non-bonded interactions
7 final weight for chiral angles
mmode1 number of conjugate gradient minimization passes
2 estimate of error in total force, blank usually
xmode Code Option
uov do not refine overall U
iso isotropic U refinement only
ani anisotropic U if present, else U
pre input coords stored as previous ones
fca use previous FC as fixed atom contribution
fxe establish and apply previous FC as fixed
atom contribution
fxa apply previously established fixed atom
ski n use every nth
reflection in calculations
xlimitCode Option
min n min U
max n max U
chg n max change multiplier/divider of U from
previous atom to which it is bonded
uni unit weighting on F's in refinement
sig σ weighting on F's in refinement
dam n damping factor on shifts
sgc n do not use reflection with F <
sft n max shifts (Ĺ) of atom in refinement
scale1 F relative scale factor
2 index to scale group number 1
maxhkl1-3 max |h|, |k|, |l|
4-5 min and max sinθ/λ
atmzon1 residue name1
of first
residue shifted
2 atom label of first atom shifted
3 residue name1
of last residue shifted
4 atom label of last atom shifted
1 Residue name structure same as mspair line in
reszon1 residue name1
of first
residue shifted
2 residue name1
of last residue shifted
1 Residue name structure same as disulf line in
dielec1 dielectric constant
refine1 number of refinement passes with current
fccalculate FC without refinement
nobdfno output bdf