PROATM: Load Protein Atom Parameters
label add text to bdf label record
scale factors
uov overall isotropic thermal displacement parameter U
extinc extinction factors
prolod special quantities to be stored inlogical
record atom
PDB orthogonal to fractional
coordinate transformation
PDB orthogonal to fractional
coordinate transformation
PDB orthogonal to
fractional coordinate transformation
shift coordinate shift or inversion through centre of
symop transform all fractional coordinates by this operator
defaul set any unsupplied parameters to these default values
atom PDB atom parameters
proat free format version of the PDB ATOM
proati free format version of the PDB ATOM
proatd free format version of the PDB ATOM
proate free format version of the PDB ATOM
hetatm PDB heteroatom parameters
prohet free format version of PDB HETATM
PDB standard deviation of
atom paramter
free format version of PDB
PDB anisotropic temperature factor
free format version of PDB
PDB standard deviation of anisotropic
temperature factor
free format version of PDB
1 Indicates that all three lines must be given for a bdf which is
not the output of PROATM; after that these lines are optional.
2 The scale3 line marks the end of the
preliminary, general data input lines. From shift to
prosgu the order of input lines is somewhat flexible.
3 Indicates that the line must follow the atom parameter
line to which it applies.
The designation of atom name in any but the atom,
proato, hetatm or prohet lines
is ignored. The auxiliary lines will be loaded as if part of the preceeding
atom parameter line.
All checking is done against the PDB serial number given in the first field
of the atom parameter lines atom, proat,
hetatm or prohet.
PROATM Option Code
thermal parameter1
over overall
isotropic U
uis indiv. isotropic U in PDB
bis indiv. isotropic B in PDB
aniso indiv. anisotropic in PDB
mixed mixed iso and aniso
print atoms on bdf print yes
nopr no
punch PDB data npc no
pch yes
input bdf atoms merge merge previous atoms
apriori delete previous atoms
output bdf atoms lod load atoms to output bdf
nol only print or punch atom list
data set number dsn n 1
distinguish B & U2
bcut t U's <
t < B's 0.633
1The specifications ova,
iso, aniso and mixed specify
the form the thermal displacement parameters will be stored in the output
2 The value t is the threshold of U values
entered on atom and hetatm lines. The default
is set at 0.633 which is B=50.0
scale 1
scale factor
2 scale group 1
3 dataset name parent
uov 1 overall isotropic displacement parameter U
2 data set name parent
extinc 1 extinction correction method
zach Zachariasen
typ1 Becker-Coppens, type I
typ2 Becker-Coppens, type II
gen Becker-Coppens, type I and II
2 temperature factor type
is isotropic
an anisotropic (not implemented)
3 mosaic distribution
gaus Gaussian distribution
lore Lorentzian distribution
4 isotropic extinction parameter (g for zach or typ1) 0
5 isotropic extinction parameter (ρ for typ2 or
gen) 0
6 mean value of T 0.3 Xray 1.5 neutron
prolod 1- mnemonics of atom parameters to be loaded into the
The character and integer mnemonics are listed in the Reference Manual in
the section on quantities stored in logical record atom
The fields of the prolod line describe the quantities
which are to be placed in logical record atom of the bdf. If the
prolod line is omitted, the quantities stored depend upon the
temperature factor type selected.
ova x, y, z,
sft, res, seq,
rsq, sqn, foo
iso the above plus u
aniso the above plus u,
u11, u22, u33,
u12, u13, u23
mixed the same as aniso plus
All X, Y, Z parameters are stored in the bdf as fractional coordinates;
all isotropic temperature factors are stored as U; all anisotropics as Uij. For
printing and punching appropriate conversions are made to the PDB
scalej(where j is 1, 2 and 3)
1 S(j, 1) orthog.-to-fract. transformation matrix element
2 S(j, 2) " " "
3 S(j, 3) " " "
4 U(j) vector
shift 1-3 translational shift of fractional coordinates x, y, z
symop 1-9 rotation elements
10-12 translation elements
defaul 1- default values in order for the loadp
atom(standard groups) and
hetatm(non-standard groups)
1 atom serial number
2 atom type symbol
3 alternate location indicator
4 residue name
5 chain identifier
6 residue sequence number
7 code for insertion of residues
8-10 x, y, z in orthogonal Å
11 population (occupancy) parameter
12 temperature factor U
13 footnote number
proatand prohet
1 atom serial number or code (max 10000)
n mean next integer since last atom
2 scattering factor type as chemical symbol in upper
3 remoteness indicator code1
Aa Bb Gg Dd Ee Zz
4 branch designator integers 0-9
5 alternate location indicator letters A,
6 three- or four-letter residue name (e.g. ARG,
7 chain identifier - three char max (e.g. A for hemoglobin
8 residue sequence number (max 10000)
9 code for insertion of residues (e.g. A,
10-12 x, y, z coordinates in orthogonal Å
13 population parameter (occupancy) 1
14 temperature factor U2
15 footnote number 0
16 anomalous population parameter 1
1 The chemical symbol may be the number n followed by H, where n is
1-3 for a sub-branch indicator of hydrogen atoms.
2 Note the U threshold on the PROATM
proatd 1 first serial number of atom to be deleted from the
2 last serial number of atom to be deleted from the bdf
proati(used with proate line)
1 serial number of the atom preceding the insertion
proate(used with proati line)
1 serial number of the last atom that may resequenced as a result of the
insertion and renumbering last atom number
prosig1 serial number
2-4 σx, σy, σz (in orthogonal Å)
5 σPP
6 σU
7 σAPP
prouij 1 serial number
prosgu1 serial number
2-7 σ
, σ
, ..... σ
sigatm 1-7 atom id. as in atom line
8-10 σx, σy, σz in orthogonal Å
11 σPP
12 σU
13 σAPP
anisou1-7 atom id. as in atom line
siguij1-7 atom id. as in atom line
8-13 σ
, σ
, ......