CRITIQ: Determine the Most Variable Reflections

scale scale group and scale factor

Scaling information must be present for each scale group. This information may come from scale lines or from logical record refl of the bdf.

CRITIQ 1 Bijvoet pair merging

0 merge Bijvoet pairs

1 do not merge Bijvoet pairs

3 number of observations ranked in each category 100

4 only observations with 0

5 scale group minimum to print observations 0

6 scale group maximum to print observations 4096

7 signal to rank multiply-observed reflections

accept n accept only if >n observations accept all

reject n reject only if >n observations 100

8 sinθ/λ min to list singly-observed refections0

9 sinθ/λ max to list singly-observed refections 2

10 maximum observations listed for unranked reflections 20

scale 1 scale group 1

2 scale factor bdf value or 1