SIMWGT: Calculate Sim Weights for F's and Combine

with Hendrickson-Lattman Coefficients

scale scale factors

resol resolution values used to establish sinθ/λ categories for output

slimit min σ*F limit for calculation

rcode rcode values for reflections to be used

maxhkllimits on h,k,l and sinθ/λ

SIMWGT 1 number of reflections to print 0

2 rescale bins before calculating Figures of Merit

0 do not rescale 1 do rescale

3 ID number of item1 = 1304

4 ID number of item2 = 1800

IDN+1 = A(calc), IDN+2 = B(calc)

5 ID number of scale group 1309

6 ID number of output figure of merit 705

IDN+1 = cosα, IDN+2 = sinα

scale1 scale factor 1.0

2 scale group 1

resol1-20 resolution category limits in increasing values

10 7 5 4 3.5 3 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.5 Ĺ

slimit1 number of σ's for rejection limit based on F<n*σ

rcode1 limit R-factor calculations to this rcode all rcodes

2 rcode item ID number in bdf 1308

maxhkl 1-3 max |h|, |k|, |l|

4-5 min and max value of sinθ/λ