: Absorption corrections
Authors: Eric Blanc &
Dieter Schwarzenbach
Contact: Eric Blanc, Institut
de Cristallographie, University of Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne,
LSABS calculates transmission factors T,
absorption-weighted mean-path lengths T, and derivatives,
Methods of Absorption Correction
LSABS offers two methods
of integration, the analytical method and Gaussian
integration. The analytical method is more efficient than
the Gaussian method in calculating the derivatives. For
this reason, execution times for the two methods are
comparable in the case of a coarse Gaussian grid, and in
favour of the analytical method in the case of a fine
Gaussian grid.
The analytical method proposed by de Meulenaer &
Tompa (1965) describes the crystal shape by the set of its
vertices, whereas
LSABS defines it by the
set of its edges. This technique facilitates an unambiguous
identification of the vertices and minimizes rounding
Gaussian grid integration
The implementation of the numerical integration of
Gauss-Legendre offers a choice of grids with 6, 8, 10 ,12,
14, 16, 24, or 32 intervals for each dimension. For needle-
and plate- shaped crystals the orientation of the grid may
be selected to lie along one of the principal directions.
For a needle, the z-axis of the grid is chosen along the
needle axis identified by its zone indices [
u v w ]. For a plate, the z-axis of the
grid is chosen along the plate normal identified by the
face indices (
h k l ). The calculation of the
requires evaluation of
surface integrals. Consequently a surface grid must be
specified in addition to the 3-dimensional grid for the
volume integral.
Input and Output Data Specification
The M plane faces of a polyhedral crystal are defined
by their Miller indices (
) relative to the lattice base
c, and by the
perpendicular distances
from a given point inside the crystal to each face
(m = 1, ..M). For the natural faces of a crystal, (
) are integers.
should have been carefully measured and an
estimated standard deviation of
should be available. The I Bragg reflections are
identified by their Miller indices
and an instrument-independent crystal-based
azimuthal angle
as defined by Schwarzenbach & Flack (1989,
1992). The above data must be available on the bdf for
LSABS to function
By default the nett intensities of the reflections
(Schwarzenbach & Flack, 1991) are not modified by
LSABS : the calculated
quantities A=1/T, <T>(i.e. Tbar) and
are simply stored on the
The recommended method of placing raw diffractometer
information including crystal face indices and distance
data on the bdf is first to transform a
diffractometer-specific file into a CIF using DIFRAC
(Flack, Blanc & Schwarzenbach, 1992). This file may
then be read with
(same input lines as
) to create a bdf. This process compactly loads all
of the necessary raw experimental data onto a bdf in a
diffractometer-independent way.
The above example shows the use of
, LSABS, and
to create a bdf with |
| data from diffractometer data produced in CIF
format by the DIFRAC program.
calculates the direct and reciprocal cell metrics,
loads the scattering factor tables, atomic radii, and
checks the symmetry information - the
sgname line is necessary
as this information is not stored with the raw
diffractometer data.
calculates the reflection information.
LSABS performs a Gaussian
grid integration and applies the absorption correction to
the net intensities in the bdf. As the crystal is
needle-shaped, the Gaussian grid is oriented with the
needle direction [1 2 0] parallel to the grid
z axis. A finer grid is defined along the needle axis than
in the other directions. A second pass through
is needed to convert the net intensities to |
| corrected for absorption. Finally the
absorption-corrected data are sorted and averaged leaving a
bdf ready for structure solution and conventional |
| refinement.
A bdf with net intensity data is created.
LSABS performs an
analytical absorption correction and stores the resulting
values in the bdf. The bdf is suitable for the refinement
of the crystal shape and decay parameters.
Blanc, E., Schwarzenbach, D. & Flack, H.D.
J. Appl. Cryst.
24, 1035-1041
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J. Appl. Cryst.
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Ibers, J.A. & Hamilton, W.C. (1974) Eds.
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Crystallography Vol. IV, Birmingham,
England: Kynock Press
Schwarzenbach, D. & Flack, H. D. (1989).
J. Appl. Cryst.
22, 601-605.
Schwarzenbach, D. & Flack, H. D. (1991).
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