Author: James Hester,
Crystallography Centre, University of Western Australia,
Nedlands 6907, Australia
MAPLST outputs the electron density values of a
"map" file as ACSII text. This output is intended
specifically for use with the
Mathematica(R)package but is useful for any program
requiring the map data as text.
MAPLST outputs a
, etc.) map bdf as 80 column text ascii data. The
output line file (
asc ) consists of:
header decriptor line
line containing the 3 integers which are the
number of sections (i.e. layers) in the map, the number
of rows in a section and the number of density points
in a row.
density value for each point as floating point
numbers. These are listed continuously and are
separated only by blanks.
Reads the map densities from the specified bdf
(default is
map ) Writes the map
densities to the line file
asc .
Output the map densities from the
map file to
asc .