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Warning |
To fix the origin of the crystal, the distances to 3 non-coplanar faces must be kept invariant. The program does not choose these faces automatically. They should be as mutually perpendicular as possible, and sufficiently large to have well-characterized Miller indices. However, when the invariant faces have been chosen, weights on these observations are automatically set to zero. |
To take into account systematic errors due to
magnification effect, refined distances can be constrained,
or a correlation value between observations can be used. In
the latter case, the variance-covariance matrix
is no longer diagonal, but the weighting matrix
remains diagonal even in the case of 1/
Becker & Coppens extinction parameters can be
applied or refined, either isotropically or
anisotropically. Following Zachariasen (1967), one can
distinguish two types of secondary extinction. Type I
refers to crystals in which the extinction is dominated by
the mosaic distribution (described by
g ), whereas effective particle size
(related to the parameter
) is the critical parameter describing
extinction in type II crystals. For anisotropic extinction,
g and
become tensorial quantities as defined according
Thornley and Nelmes (1974).
Several extinction refinement options are available:
g and
can be refined separately choosing type I or
type II respectively. In this case, primary extinction is
g and
can also be refined simultaneously (but only
g can be tensorial) allowing primary
extinction to be taken into account. Either a Lorentzian or
a Gaussian distribution of the mosaic spread
g can be selected.
A short summary of used expressions is given below. Full details can be found in Becker & Coppens (1974a, 1974b, 1975) and Zachariasen (1967).
and for general extinction:
and finally:
The parameters
g and
are related respectively to the half-width of
the mosaic spread distribution
expressed in radians and
to the size of the mosaic blocks
expressed in cm by
The values of
g and
given in the program listing are multiplied by
(Pseudo-) merohedral twin laws may be determined
automatically and entered onto the bdf by
for use by LSLS. Twin laws may also be entered
directly in LSLS by use of
twinop lines. By default
one twin law
viz. the identity operation is
assumed. For centrosymmetric space groups all twin laws are
generated by
or must be entered by way of
twinop lines. For
non-centrosymmetric space groups, each twin law generated
or entered by way of a
twinop line corresponds
to a pair of twin laws:
viz. the one indicated and the one
related to it through a center of inversion. The two laws
of the inversion-related pair in non-centrosymmetric space
groups have serial numbers i and i+n where n is the number
twin matrices on the bdf or
twinop lines given in
Twinning (
) is treated by refining the volume fractions
of each twin component and automatically
constraining their sum to be 1.0.
For non-centrosymmetric structures, attention has to
be paid to two points.
Primo, anomalous dispersion should be
Secundo, the bdf should be prepared
with each reflection and its Friedel opposite in separate
on the
SORTRF line.sepfrl
The Becker and Coppens extinction theory used in LSLS does not take twinning into account, implying that the coupling constant between the incident and diffracted beams is forced to be symmetric under the lattice-point group symmetry.
The following example illustrates the way to handle
twins in the non-centrosymmetric space group
P 23.
generated 2 (pairs of) twin laws:
( 1 0
( 1 0
(-1 0
( 0 1
for (1) Identity |
( 0 1
and (3) Centre |
( 0 -1
( 0 0
( 0 0
( 0 0
( 0 -1
( 0 -1
( 0 1
(-1 0
for (2) 2-fold axis |
(-1 0
and (4) Mirror |
( 1 0
( 0 0
( 0 0
( 0 0
In order to refine only the enantiomorph-polarity parameter in this case starting with a value of 0.5, the following lines are necessary:
twinop *10 1 0.5 0.5 noref twi(2) twi(4)
Assuming that refinement of dispersion parameters has
been turned on by
on the
LSLS line, dispersion
parameters can be addressed individually by
for the real or the imaginary parts, or as a
set with
Neutron scattering factor refinement is achieved by turning on dispersion refinement and keeping imaginary parts invariant.
The overall displacement parameter is automatically
refined if at least one atom's displacement parameter type
is set to overall. It can be held invariant by using
Atomic positional parameters are always refined unless the atom is in a special position or they are explicitly constrained. noref <atom> fixes all atomic parameters of the named atom.
The program can be used to refine overall,
isotropic or anisotropic displacement parameters. In
mixed mode, the displacement-parameter type of an atom is
set in accordance to the value on the bdf. However it can
be modified by the use of
ref and
noref lines. After
refinement, the mode used is written on the output bdf.
If the displacement factor is non-positive definite, the
program will either stop (
), or reset it to a positive value (
), or continue with non-physical values (
generates symmetry constraints for atoms on special
positions which are written on logical record
. See the documentation of
for details.
A noref line can fix any parameter. The general form of the arguments is:
(p1/p2)(a1/a2) fixes from atomic parameter p1 to atomic parameter p2 of all atoms in list between a1 and a2 inclusive. (p1/p2) can be replaced by p1 if only one parameter is to be fixed, and a1 can replace (a1/a2) if there is only one target atom.
Atomic parameters are :
a1/a2 fixes all atomic parameters from atom a1 to atom a2. a1/a1 is abbreviated a1.
When an atom name is identical to an atom type name, then a1 and a2 will hold for atom types instead of individual atoms.
g1(n1/n2) fixes general parameters g1, which can be
, from n1 to n2. If only one parameter is
kept invariant, n1 can be used for n1/n2.im
For dispersion refinement,
fixes real and imaginary parts and it is
equivalent to (
The syntax of the
line is identical to that of
noref. When mixed
displacement mode has been selected on the
LSLS line,
ref /
noref lines can be used
to change atomic displacement types.
ref U converts the
displacement type to isotropic, while
ref U11/U23 set the
displacement type to anisotropic.ref
ref U(N) (U11/U23)(N2) ref U(N1) U(N3/N6)
These examples show how to set to isotropic the displacement parameter type for all 6 nitrogen atoms, except for atom N2. There is a difference in the resulting displacement parameters values between these two examples. In the first example, all nitrogens are first changed to isotropic, and then the displacement factor of atom N2 is reset to an anisotropic tensor. In the second example, the displacement parameter of atom N2 is not changed at all.
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Warning |
If atom types Y and U appear in the atom type list, atomic parameters y and& u must be lowercase. |
As for invariant parameters, symmetry constraints are
read from the input bdf logical record
. Linear constraints between parameters can also
by introduced by
constr lines :
p = Q + f(1)*r(1) + ... + f(n)*r(n) where : | |
p = object (dependent) parameter (same format as ref/noref lines) | |
Q = constant term | |
f(i) = ith multiplicative term | |
r(i) = ith reference (independent) parameter (same format as ref/noref lines). |
The specification of the parameters is the same as in ref / noref lines, but object and reference parameters must be uniquely determined. It should be noted that the constant terms Q and f(i) are mandatory, and blanks are not allowed.
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Warning |
Origin fixing is carried out by shift-limiting restraints, following the algorithm of Flack & Schwarzenbach (1988). Additional constraints should not be used in LSLS in polar space-groups. |
The normal-equations matrix is constructed for
independent variables only to minimize storage size and
inversion time. The constraints modify the derivative
vector, which leads to an unconstrained least-squares
problem. The dependent parameters
contribute to the derivatives vector of the
reference parameters
, which become:
The dependent parameter estimated standard deviation is then given by (4.76):
are additional stereochemical
pseudo-observations used to restrict interatomic geometry.
For a discussion of the relations between rigid bodies and
restraints, see Didisheim & Schwarzenbach (1987).
Distance, bond-angle, dihedral-angle and rigid-bond
restraints are provided. If
M and
are respectively the direct and reciprocal metric
is the position of atom i expressed in the crystal
the displacement
tensor of atom i expressed in the same basis,
V the volume of the cell, then
restraints are given by (4.77):
When the normal-equations matrix is ill-defined, it
is possible to force it into a positive-definite form,
which is easily invertible. The usual way to do this is to
use shift-limiting restraints which increase the diagonal
of the variable
leading to the degeneracy. Two possibilities are
available in LSLS: (a) when the weight
w of the restraint is greater than 1,
the restraint equation adds the quantity
to the minimized function (4.68), so the diagonal
element becomes
w. This type of shift-limiting
restraint may then be viewed as a pseudo-observation whose
value is taken to be the variable's value in cycle n, and
the restraint imposes that
in cycle n+1 should be "close to" its former
value. (b) If
w is smaller than 1, it is interpreted
as a Levenberg-Marquardt parameter (see Press, Flannery,
Teukolsky & Vettering (1986)). There is no
pseudo-observational justification to this method where the
diagonal element is multiplied by a
w independent of the
. It should be pointed out that tests to
determine the optimal Levenberg-Marquardt parameter are not
carried out by LSLS.
LSLS provides 3 different weighting schemes: the
usual minimal variance
w = 1/
, unit weights
w = 1, or weights read from the bdf
(idn 1900 is taken as the square root of the weight on
Y ); this latter possibility allows the
user to define his/her own weighting scheme. In any case,
the goodness of fit and the parameter variance-covariance
matrix are computed according to (4.70) and (4.71).
Weights on |F| are computed from weights on the
refined quantity
Y (either
I ) by (4.78) where
LPT is set to 1.0 if
Y = |
F |
. These |
F | weights are used in the calculation
of the weighted R-factor.
A reflection can be omitted from the refinement under
several conditions: if it is flagged as suffering form
extinction (rcode 3), if its weight is 0, if its weighted
| is greater than
some user defined value, or if
is less than a user
defined threshold. These unused reflections do not
contribute to the matrices, Durbin-Watson statistic, and
goodness-of-fit. Less-than reflections are those for which
less than the cutoff
value, and those with rcode = 2. In the latter case, the
reflections are discarded only if
is greater than or
equal to
. The status code is never updated by LSLS.
The meaning of the printed status codes is the
is for reflections without their Friedel
is for systematically absent reflections.
Reflections flagged with these codes are always used in the
is for a reflection suffering from
for less-than reflections, i.e. which
smaller than the
for reflections with a weight of zero, and
for a rejected reflection for which
is greater than
the cutoff. Reflections marked with these codes are always
excluded from the refinement.
is for unobserved reflections; it corresponds
to rcode = 2. The asterisk
marks reflections which do not contribute to
the matrix.*
The unweighted and weighted R-factors are printed by the program. The unweighted R-factor is defined as:
and the weighted R-factor by:
For the 4 R-factors printed by the program:
(1) marked "Of contributing reflections" is calculated with R, Y = |F| and M = NREF.
(2) marked "Of weighted contributing reflections" is calculated with wR, Y = |F| and M = NREF.
(3) marked "Of Observations" is calculated with R;
for refinement on |F|
, Y = |F|
; for refinement on I, Y = I; and M = NOBS.
(4) marked "Of Weighted Observations" is calculated
with wR; for refinement on |F|
, Y = |F|
; for refinement on I, Y = I; and M = NOBS.
Reads parameter- and observation- information from the input archive bdf
Writes refined parameters on output archive
Optionally writes variance-covariance matrix to
Optionally writes parameters to file
title Gd3Ru4Al12 compid gra CIFENT cifin STARTX upd sgname -P 6C 2C REFCAL neti inst 1 excl LSABS ADDATM extinc typ1 is gaus 0.005 atom Al1 0.1622 0.3244 0.5763 0.008 atom Gd 0.1928 0.3856 0.25 0.007 atom Ru1 0.5 0 0 0.007 atom Al3 0.3333 0.6667 0.0119 0.008 atom Al4 0 0 0.25 0.008 atom Ru2 0 0 0 0.007 atom Al2 0.5637 0.1274 0.25 0.008 0.95 atom Ru3 0.5637 0.1274 0.25 0.008 0.05 LSLS cy 5 ad ax pp tr rs sm noref shp(1) shp(3) shp(5) noref pop ref pop(Ru3) pop(Al2) constr x(Ru3)=0.0+1.0*x(Al2) constr u(Ru3)=0.0+1.0*u(Al2) constr pop(Ru3)=1.0-1.0*pop(Al2) REGFE sr 1 nan tab finish
To refine the crystal shape, the absorption program
LSABS is run just after the conversion from raw data to net
intensities. No averaging is done, and the refinement is
made on all intensities. 3 faces are kept invariant. Ru3
and Al2 are constrained to the same position, and the same
displacement parameter. The stereochemical disorder of
these atoms is taken into account constraining the total
population of the site to be equal to 1. The
variance-covariance matrix is saved to be used in the
calculation of distances by
compid coanp CIFENT cifin STARTX upd latice n p symtry x,y,z symtry -x,y,1/2+z symtry -x,1/2+y,-z symtry x,1/2+y,1/2-z NEWCEL transf 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 CREDUC REFCAL excl fsqr ffac SORTRF ord lkh aver 1 sepfrl f2rl ADDATM Atomic parameters omitted here for brevity LSLS cy 1 f2 cs 3.0 noref C N O H LSLS cy 5 f2 cs 3.0 rp ep FOURR MAPLST finish
In this example, the space group is changed by
, then twins are searched (
), the data are converted to |
F |
and averaged in separate packet for Friedel pairs.
The scale factor is refined alone for one cycle, and then
all structural parameters are refined, including
enantiomorph (absolute structure) parameter. When the
initial value of the scale factor is far from the real one,
it can be useful to refine the scale factor alone in a
first refinement step.
Becker, P.J. & Coppens, P. (1974). Acta Cryst. A30, 129-147.
Becker, P.J. & Coppens, P. (1974). Acta Cryst. A30, 148-153.
Becker, P.J. & Coppens, P. (1975). Acta Cryst. A31, 417-425.
Bernardinelli, G. & Flack, H.D. (1985). Acta Cryst. A41, 500-511.
Didisheim, J.-J. & Schwarzenbach, D. (1987). Acta Cryst. A43, 226-232.
Flack, H.D. (1983). Acta Cryst. A39, 876-881.
Flack, H.D. & Schwarzenbach, D. (1988). Acta Cryst. A44, 499-506.
Press, W.H., Flannery, B.P., Teukolsky, S.A. & Vetterling, W.T. (1986). Numerical Recipes. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
Thornley, F.R. & Nelmes, R.J. (1974). Acta Cryst. A30, 748-757.
Schwarzenbach, D. et al. (1989). Acta Cryst. A45, 63-75.
Zachariasen, W.H. (1967). Acta Cryst. 23, 558-564.